ST Micro was the first to market with the brand new ARM Cortex-M4 32-bit microcontroller core. The really interesting new feature is the ‘F’ in the name – this is the first low-cost, low-ish-power light duty microcontroller to include a built in, single cycle per instruction 32-bit floating point unit. In typical ST fashion, the development board got a built in ST-LINK/V2 programmer and in-circuit debugger on the top half. The bottom half contains the M4 and a host of peripherals to play with. There peripherals including a 3-axis MEMS accelerometer, an audio DAC with class D output driver, a bunch of LEDs, and all GPIOs broken out to an headers.
F4 Discovery starting projects:
ADDS Porting: ADDS (Arbitrary Direct Digital Synthetizer) porting for STM32F4-
Discovery. Similary to VHDL version for Atlys (see the VLSI
section in ESD projects section) this system acts as
synthetizer with Direct Synthesis tecniques.