Software Design

In this section I show some of my software designs.


In this section first I want to talk about toolchains, pre-requisite for build our projects.

The organization of the structure that guest the toolchains in our host machine is to important when of one toolchains reside in our system.

Then I want share my point of view with you.


In software, a toolchain is the set of programming tools that are used to create a product. The tools may be used in a chain, so that the output of each tool becomes the input for the next.

A simple toolchain consists of a compiler and linker to transform the source code into an executable program, libraries to provide interfaces to the operating system, and a debugger.

Here I show you how we can mantain multiple installtions of various toolchains.

From now I assume you are in your $HOME directory, from here we start to set our development enviroments.

The strucure for build corretly software can be various and it's very easy, if we have various toolchain installed in our system, make confusion or confuse our host machine in which these toolchains are installed in.

In past I had some trouble with multiple installations of this tools, but recently I found an article wrote by AlanC (see reference) that set a structure optimizated to RTEMS to guest some toolchains in the same host.

Well I think that this structure can be optimizated for most of actual toolchains distributed now.




RTEMS:This is an RT-OS and with a set of toolchains used for compiling applications and products over most of the hardware solutions present today (17 Apr 2013) in the market place including ARM, SPARC, x86, PowerPC, Cortex etc, etc. I merged two way of compile the toolchain, one designed by Alan Cudmore (with source-builder) and the second one the official guide. In this way I compiled successfully on MacOSX, x86, ARM, PowerPC host machine and for many BSPs like as pc386/486, erc32, leon2/3, raspberrypi...

ChibiOS:This is the first expansion of AC structure to guest ChibiOS




Use of OpenCV: An Introduction 

Use of OpenCL:

Use of TBL:

Use if LibXBee-v3: