In this section you can find 8/16 bit microcontrollers projects.
The mcu used are Microchip or ATmel, the programming language asm (assembly) and C.
Class-D Audio Amplifier: The project is an example of class-D digital amplifier implemented with a Microchip's microcontroller with a firmware developed in ASM.
LC-Meter: In this project I used a pic18fxx for implement a LC-Meter.
The system work with indirect frequency measurements, and achieve 100pF as precision (for capacitors).
XBee sections: Projects in which radio communications are ZigBee based.
In this section you can find several projects in which Xilinx FPGA are programmed by VHDL programming language.
This modules are develop using Xilinx ISE (or EDK/SDK for SoC) as EDA tool.
[HOWTO] ATLYS & MICROBLAZE: Implementation and programming example of a system with a MicroBlaze single processor mapped on Atlys board, with a simple C application that run on the system.
AC97-DCO (AC97-Digital Controlled Oscillator): A design in which the fpga is used for implement a DCO (Digital Controlled Oscillator) in cascade with an AC97 driver as interface for an LM4550 (present in the ATLYS board).
ADDS (Arbitrary Direct Digital Synthesizer): Implementation of a ADDS. The system is designed for evaluate various direct digital synthesis tecniques. The core is a NCO (Numerical Controlled Oscillator) like the DCO in AC97-DCO project but with improved performance in term of resolution and max output frequency.
FPGA FFT_Module: A design in which the fpga is used for create a module that provide the FFT of an serial input sequence. The module is optimizate for ATLYS board.
HDMI Transceiver: A design that implement a transceiver for HDMI/DVI port. The system work on TMDS standard. Te module is optimizate for ATLYS board.
In this section there are several examples of ARM programming.
The projects are developed on Raspberry pi (SoC system) and STM32F4 Discovery then the Broadcom and ST Microelectronics brand features are investigated.
I have used C/C++ and ASM as programming languages.
This section is dedicated to real time systems and OS.
The target is 32bits architectures like x86, PowerPC (PPC), ARM , STM32F4, or others SoC processors.
RTEMS: is a free open source real-time operating system (RTOS) designed for 32bit embedded systems. RTEMS is designed for real-time, embedded systems and to support various open API standards including POSIX and uITRON.
ChibiOS: is a compact and fast real-time OS supporting multiple architectures and released under the GPL3 license. ChibiOS is designed for embedded applications on 8, 16 and 32 bit microcontrollers.